IFC Product Libraries
OPEN BIM models and process are in daily use in building and construction all over the world. Models are shared across disciplines with major improvements and benefits compared to more traditional document centric methods of working.
The next big thing is to provide and share information from manufacturers and providers of products used to assemble and manage buildings – Product Libraries. Ifc is an ideal format to use for distribution and sharing such information, and make it accessible for users of OPEN BIM compliant software throughout a facility’s life cycle. Implementers of Ifc and OPEN BIM have made an specification and implementers agreement for how Ifc should be used for such purpose.
Download presentation
This presentation contains background information of what OPEN BIM product libraries are and shows a proof of concept.
Download implementers agreement
The implementers agreement includes the technical specification for IFC Product Libraries.
OPEN BIM Overview
OPEN BIM supports a transparent, open workflow, allowing project members to participate regardless of the software tools they use.
OPEN BIM Program is a marketing campaign initiated by members of buildingSMART® to urge and facilitate globally coordinated promotion of the OPEN BIM concept.
What is the official definition of OPEN BIM and what is the goal of the OPEN BIM movement?
Read more about model-based collaboration and discover the benefits of it.