DDS-CAD: IFC2x3 CV2.0 certified

DDS-CAD is the first European BIM software for MEP engineers that has successfully completed the IFC2x3 CV2.0 MEP Export certification process.

As per 10 September 2014, DDS-CAD has been awarded with the official "IFC 2x3 CV 2.0" certification status issued by the international buildingSMART organisation. This makes DDS-CAD the first European BIM software application for MEP engineers that has successfully completed this certification process.

buildingSMART is committed to the improvement of interdisciplinary collaboration in the construction industry. A key enabler for this is the data exchange format IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), which is now an official international ISO standard (ISO 16739:2013). This file format provides a basis for the exchange of Open BIM data amongst participants in a construction or facility management project, allowing easier and more efficient design, coordination and management of buildings.

DDS-CAD has been IFC compliant for many years, and DDS has been one of the front runners in driving Open BIM forward. With the certification, the builingSMART organisation confirms that data export from DDS-CAD fully complies also with the latest official requirements.

"The certification underlines once again that we consistently support and promote the Open BIM approach with DDS-CAD" says Bjørn Stangeland, CEO of DDS, adding: "This assures MEP consultants and contractors who use DDS-CAD in Open BIM workflows, that their powerful tool allows them to do so in compliance with the official buildingSMART standards"

A complete overview of certified software applications can be found here on the buildingSMART

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